Respond/ 响应号

Respond to our calling and save lives.




Under normal circumstances, when blood is required, the hospital will provide blood from the blood bank stock based on levels of urgency. However, occasionally when there is a shortage of blood or the patient has a rare blood type, or for some reason, blood has not been available for such patients, Bloodline may be summoned. 


Bloodline will respond to the appeal (in the aforementioned situations) and send put an Appeal on our WeChat portals. Usually, a specific WeChat group will be created for the case with an attached QR code. If you think you are able to respond to the Appeal and be involved in saving someone’s life, you are requested to join the concerned WeChat group. The group will be constantly appraised on the ongoing situation. We would also request you to carry your passport/ ID for the next few days. As need requires, you will be asked to go to Shanghai Blood Center (1191, Hongqiao Road) and follow the Blood Donation Flow.


Everyone is requested to keep communication in WeChat regarding Blood Donations and related activities. We have a zero-tolerance policy for spammers and such spammers will be immediately removed without any prior notice.


For any other queries, 

connect to Dr. Maskay 


(+86) 15801992335

or scan the QR code below.




+86)1580 1992 335 
