Our Scope and Structure/ 我们的服务范围和架构

Our Scope and Structure/ 我们的服务范围和架构

​BLOODLINE is a community-oriented network where blood donors and volunteers function to serve this community through 3 major roles:


1. Donations/ 献血

We conduct regular community-centered blood drives.

We coordinate between any interested partners and Shanghai Blood Center to organize targeted blood donation camps.

We also actively help in Shanghai Blood Center’s blood drives.




2. Appeals (especially for rare blood types)/ 吁请献血(特别是罕见的血型)

We mediate between the needy of rare blood types, the donors, and the blood bank for those in emergent need of blood*.


3. Public Awareness/ 公众意识

We endeavor to educate the public on the rationality and necessity of blood donations as a social movement.


* NOTE: Blood Banks will first attempt to fill in all requests for blood needs based on urgency.

*备注: 血库将根据血液需求的紧急性回应公众对血液需求的申请。

​The Structure/ 血缘的架构

The CORE TEAM/ 血缘核心团队: 

The Bloodline CORE TEAM consists of twelve individuals, selected from different walks of life, who will be primarily responsible for the administration and decision-making of Bloodline. Should a core member need to leave Shanghai, new core members may be proposed by the outgoing core member and will be inducted on agreement by a common vote of the other remaining core members.

血缘核心团队是由12 位血缘成员所组成。这一组核心成员挑选自不同的行业。他们主要负责血缘的管理和决策。当某个核心成员需离开上海时,他可推荐替任他的新成员。该新成员必须通过其他核心成员的投票才可接职。


The Bloodline Advisory Board consists of Core Advisory and Friends of Bloodline Advisory.


The Core Advisory consists of Bloodline Core Members, past and present. This group will be responsible for providing valuable and practical advice to Bloodline.


The Friends of Bloodline Advisory consists of representatives from various  Bloodline partners. They stand as Bloodline ambassadors that function in this group to provide valuable input. 


Although CORE TEAM members, ADVISORY BOARD members, and other members may come and go, the objective is to continue Bloodline as a community-oriented, continued presence.
