About Apheresis Platelet donation/ 关于单采血小板捐赠。

Apheresis Platelet Donation


What is it?

Platelet apheresis is the process of collecting platelets from the blood of donors and transferring other blood components back into the body. Apheresis separates blood platelets from whole blood. A machine setup automatically separates the platelets from your donation and returns the rest of the blood components back to your body. In developed countries, platelet apheresis has long been a routine method of collecting blood components. The collection uses disposable collection pipelines and bags. The whole process is operated and monitored by the computer system. Throughout this process, highly-trained professionals provide services to the donors.


血小板单采术是从献血者的血液中收集血小板并将其他血液成分转移回体内的过程。 单采术将血小板从全血中分离出来。 机器设置会自动从您捐献的血小板中分离出血小板,并将其余血液成分返回您的身体。 在发达国家,单采血小板早已成为采集血液成分的常规方法。 采集采用一次性采集管路和采集袋。 整个过程由计算机系统操作和监控。 在整个过程中,训练有素的专业人员为捐赠者提供服务。
What are Platelets?
Platelets are blood cells that help to stop bleeding. They are fragile and have short life. Platelets collected must be transfused within 5 days.


血小板是有助于止血的血细胞。 它们很脆弱,寿命很短。 收集的血小板必须在 5 天内输注。


Platelet is mainly used to treat patients who have low platelet count or platelet dysfunction due to various reasons. Some examples are acute hemorrhage, leukemia, aplastic anemia, lymphoma, bone marrow transplantation, and bone marrow inhibition caused by radiation and chemotherapy in cancer patients. Many of these patients require continuous platelet transfusion to sustain life, especially in the treatment of leukemia. Even if the patient is lucky enough to find a suitable bone marrow donor, platelet deficiency is inevitable in the process of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which is always a risk to life and requires a large number of platelets to ensure the smooth operation of the transplantation process. Thus, the importance of platelet donation for this process by healthy donors.


血小板主要用于治疗因各种原因引起的血小板计数低或血小板功能障碍的患者。 一些例子是急性出血、白血病、再生障碍性贫血、淋巴瘤、骨髓移植和癌症患者放疗和化疗引起的骨髓抑制。 这些患者中有许多需要持续输注血小板以维持生命,尤其是在白血病的治疗中。 即使患者幸运地找到了合适的骨髓供体,但在造血干细胞移植过程中,血小板缺乏是不可避免的,随时都有生命危险,需要大量的血小板来保证造血干细胞移植的顺利进行。 移植过程。 因此,健康捐赠者为此过程捐赠血小板的重要性。

Pre-donations preparations?

  • Do not take any medicine a week before blood donation.
  • Take a light meal before blood donation and avoid rich fatty food (eg. dairy products, creamy or oily food, fried food, etc.)
  • Do not donate blood on an empty stomach.
  • Abstain from alcoholic drinks the day before and on the day of the donation.
  • Get enough sleep the night before blood donation.
  • The original of your valid identity document must be brought with you when donating blood.


* 献血前一周不要服用任何药物。

* 捐血前饮食清淡,避免高脂肪食物(如乳制品、奶油或油腻食物、油炸食物等)

* 不要空腹献血。

* 捐赠前一天和捐赠当天戒酒。

* 献血前一晚要有充足的睡眠。

* 献血时必须携带有效身份证件原件。

Donor Requirements for apheresis platelets?

  • Age:18-55 years old 
  • Weight: at least 50 kg
  • Meets all the screening tests
  • Platelet count in peripheral blood at least 150,000/ul
  • A good vein in the arm with no failure record of needle insertion in past
  • Can assure 1~2 hours of collection time. 

单采血小板的供体要求?* 年龄:18-55岁* 重量:至少 50 公斤* 符合所有筛选测试* 外周血血小板计数至少 150,000/ul* 手臂静脉良好,以往无进针失败记录* 可保证1~2小时的采集时间。

Can I be a regular platelet donor?

Yes, you can donate platelets every 2 weeks. Bloodline has set up a particular unit of blood donors known as “Bloodline Platelet Reserve Force”. This particular force volunteers can be called upon when supplies dwindle or during emergency cases. They act as a special reserve force. In fact, we recommend regular blood donors donate platelets instead of whole blood.


是的,您可以每 2 周捐献一次血小板。 Blood line 成立了一个特殊的献血单位,称为“血缘血小板储备部队”。当物资减少或出现紧急情况时,可以召集这支特殊的志愿者队伍。他们是一支特殊的后备力量。事实上,我们建议定期献血者捐献血小
